- 这门巨型榴弹炮只有一发炮弹!我是不是要保证补给车辆在附近对它进行持续补给?
- This huge howitzer has only one missile ! Do I always have to keep the supply truck nearby ?
- 一支巨型榴弹炮指向天空,似乎正要向伦敦开火,然而这支榴弹炮却是用石头雕刻的。
- A massive howitzer points into the sky as if preparing to bombard london but it is carved , incongruously , in stone .
- 这些大角度射击的中型迫击炮,一枚炮弹的威力相当于一发105毫米榴弹炮弹,被认为是步兵营长自己的“炮兵”。
- These high-angle medium mortars , with a shell almost as lethal as a 105mm howitzer round , were considered to be the infantry battalion commander 's own " artillery . "
- 古登堡已出访阿富汗三次,订购了更多的包括装甲车、榴弹炮在内的装备。
- He has visited afghanistan three times and ordered more equipment , including armoured vehicles and howitzers .
- 房间里的尘土中布满了强放射性的微粒它们会像榴弹炮一样将α或β粒子投向人体内脏。
- Dust in the building is studded with hot particles - radioactive howitzers that can riddle internal organs with alpha or beta particles .
- 自行榴弹炮和自行迫击炮有着相同的命令,但是它们只有单发射击,而不是一组(联装)齐射。
- Mobile howitzers and mortars have the same orders , but fire with a single grenade , not with a battery .