- 要在空中安营扎寨的想法是在今年春天产生的,当时这两兄弟爬上了佛罗里达的一棵榕树。
- The notion to camp above the ground came to the brothers this spring while they were climbing a banyan tree in florida .
- 藤本壮介称,钢梁的灵感来自于帮助支撑榕树枝条的支撑根。
- Mr. fujimoto says the beams were inspired by the prop roots that help support the branches of banyan trees .
- 寂静覆盖水面后,我整个的注意力就被榕树下的影子吸引住了。
- When solitude thus reigned over the water , my whole attention would be drawn to the shadows under the banyan tree .
- 这些澳大利亚新水手从来没有经历过伙食很差的日子。
- These new australian sailors have never seen a banian day .