- 这称不上是民主的光辉模范。
- It was hardly a shining model of democracy .
- 因此他们调整了模型。
- So they tweaked the model .
- 成为一个好的榜样。
- Be a good role model .
- 奥巴马政府则希望打破这一种格局。
- The obama administration wants to break that pattern .
- 朴素的人字交叉形图案也是个不错的选择。
- A discreet herringbone pattern is also acceptable .
- 只有一个国家已设法改变了这种格局。
- Only one country has managed to change this pattern .
- 凯的答案能解决问题吗?
- Is mr kay 's the answer ?
- 恺轻蔑地望着他。
- Kay looked at him scornfully .
- 我会打电话给你太凯。
- I 'll call mrs kay for you .
- 新鲜的芝麻菜叶也含有很多的维他命c。
- Fresh rocket leaves contain good levels of vitamin c .
- 维他命c还能帮助你从食物中吸收更多的营养。
- Vitamin c also helps you absorb more nutrients from food .
- 许多人高估了维c和其它抗氧化剂的好处。
- Many people overestimate the benefits of vitamin c and other antioxidants .