- 榕屏厂1994年在当地开业。
- The rongping plant opened here in 1994 .
- 这种类型的种植工厂尚未出现在英国。
- Plant factories have yet to arrive in the uk .
- 或者为我们的孩子种下一棵许愿树。
- We would plant a tree in remembrance .
- 石雕上雕刻的是野生植物。
- Stonework is peppered with wild vegetation .
- 植被指数反映了这一变化。
- The vegetation index reflects the change .
- 植物的轮廓线在沙漠在最为明显。
- Vegetation lineaments are most evident in the desert .
- 但植物群是什么时候变化的,我们能找到这场气候变化的证据吗?
- But when did the flora change , and can we find evidence of such a climate change ?
- 这幅图不仅显示了碳在不同国家间的分布,还且在不同植物群间的分布也不同。
- It offers a picture of how carbon is distributed not just across different countries , but also across different types of flora .
- 在北极苔原上徒步旅行了明朗的一天,那里洋溢着令人惊讶的植物群以及驯鹿和北极狐狸。
- Brilliant day for a hike on the arctic tundra , surprisingly alive with flora , as well as reindeer and arctic fox .