- 我们的两片肺是由复杂的管子交叉网组成的,在心脏的两侧悬浮着,在有弹力纤维构成的框架的胸腔里。
- Our two lungs are made up of a complex latticework of tubes , which are suspended , on either side of the heart , inside the chest cavity on a framework of elastic fibers .
- 这不是美国人第一次在此处出现20世纪50年代期间,他们援助建设了马里加,挖掘灌溉水网的工作令人联想起田纳西流域管理局。
- It 's not the first time americans have found themselves in the region-during the 1950s , they helped build marja up by digging a latticework of irrigation canals reminiscent of the tennessee valley authority .
- 没有其它俄国城市有圣彼得堡这样令人惊叹的地理位置,她建在一百多个岛屿上,城里河流,小溪,天然运河纵横交叉,最终在聂瓦河口流入波罗的海。
- No other city in russia enjoys such a breathtaking location . St. petersburg was constructed on what originally were more than 100 islands formed by a latticework of rivers , creeks , streams and natural canals that flow into the baltic sea at the mouth of the neva river .