- 但在这样的时刻,面对这样的噩耗,亲朋好友远在天边,而我们又置身于一群对我们的感受无动于衷的陌生人中,我们也痛苦地发现,世界也会由此变得广袤与荒凉。
- Yet at times like this , in the face of such horrible news , when friends and family are so distant and we 're surrounded by people who can 't begin to imagine how we feel , the world can feel agonizingly , painfully huge .
- 她是第一个教会你去看去体会周围和内心世界的人。
- Mum is the sophist who teaches you to view and feel the world around and in mind first .
- 二十一年,世事沧桑,变化之大,让人有如隔世之感;但在岁月的长河中,依然流淌着的,是人们对耀邦的不尽思念,是对中华民族前途命运的不倦思考和探索。
- The world has changed a lot through the twenty-one years , and let us feel that we don 't know of the world any more . But in the past years , we still in great memory of yaobang , and think and explore the prospect and destiny of the chinese nation .