- 这些法案的支持者们希望这些法律中规定的措施可以阻挡住盗版的浪潮。
- The bill 's backers hope the measures in the legislation will stem the tide of piracy .
- 另一项主要研究成果是干细胞。
- The other major development was stem cells .
- 其他银行正在寻找更微妙的方式阻止现金的大量流动。
- Others are finding more subtle ways to stem the flow .
- 血凝素蛋白的形状像一个蘑菇,有一个长的茎和一个含有结合位点的球形头部。
- The protein is shaped like a mushroom , with a long stalk and a globe-shaped head that contains the binding site .
- disklabs的资深分析师尼尔巴克说:“如果我需要更多信息,可以用这款软件追踪你。”
- " If I wanted more information , then I could just stalk you , " says neil buck , a senior analyst at disklabs .
- 捕猎通常在黑暗中由雌狮完成,它们通常2或3个一组,利用团队去追踪,包围,杀死猎物。
- Hunting generally is done in the dark by the lionesses . They often hunt in groups of two or three , using teamwork to stalk , surround , and kill their prey .
- 哪个你能坚持的更久?
- Which do you stick with longer ?
- 用硬包装纸管做一根雨棒。
- Make a rain stick with a cardboard wrapping paper tube .
- 与众不同的闪存记忆棒,设计成看上去就像一根巧克力棒的样子。
- Unusual flash memory stick designed to look like a chocolate bar .
- 即使惩罚更加严厉,他依然非常顽固。
- Punishments became more severe , he remained stubborn .
- 她一定很爱他,或者她只是特别固执。
- She must love him , or she 's just plain stubborn .
- 有部分仅仅因为我是一个顽固的男性。
- Part of that is just me being a stubborn male .
- imf下属的“独立评估办公室”成立于10年前,即亚洲金融危机过后对imf在危机前的失误作了直率的评述。
- The imf 's independent evaluation office set up 10 years ago after the asian financial crisis gives a forthright account of the fund 's pre-crisis misses .
- 利比亚的伊斯兰教新晋领导人就直截了当地谴责了发生在美国驻班加西领事馆的暴行。
- Newly elected islamist leaders of libya have been forthright in their condemnation of the outrage against america 's consulate in benghazi .
- 有时候(但不是一直)他们会同意,这样你就因为你的直截了当省钱了。
- Sometimes ( but not always ) , they will be and you save money just by being forthright about not wanting to pay excessive fees .
- 这样便可阻止新立法提案通过。
- That will block new legislative initiatives .
- 现代研究发现细胞因子会阻碍老鼠的记忆形成。
- Modern research has found that cytokines block memory formation in mice .
- 他们的思维没有被会阻碍直觉的个人想法所占据。
- Their minds are not filled with personal thoughts that can block intuition .
- 这将妨碍高水平、可持续的发展。
- This will hinder high-level and sustainable development .
- 类似的错误妨碍了人们保护环境的努力。
- Miscalculations like these hinder conservation efforts .
- 专利到底是有助于创新还是阻碍了创新?
- Do patents help or hinder innovation ?
- 背冲着摄像机的那个男青年直起身来;他就要转身了。
- The boy with his back to the camera began to straighten up ; he was turning .
- 她解释了为什么卷发女性安迪?麦克道尔除外应该把头发拉直,还有为什么瑞秋?佐伊那种波西米亚风格的打扮永远不可能迷倒男人。
- She explains why curly-haired women - with the exception of andie mcdowell - should always straighten their hair and why the rachel zoe boho look will never be a winner when it comes to bagging a man .
- 一名美国医学界患者在治愈之后死于脑出血,而另一名则在植入式永久性拉直静脉、引向心脏的手术之后需要外科急诊的监护。
- One ms patient in the u. s.reportedly died from a brain hemorrhage while recovering , and another needed emergency surgery after a stent implanted to permanently straighten a vein dislodged and migrated to the heart .
- 梨炭疽病菌丝生长和分生孢子及其萌发形态特征。
- Morphological characteristics of mycelium and conidiophore of pear anthracnose pathogen .