- 它只是一个巧妙地通过衰变成锇和钽而假装成磁单极子的普通的铂原子核。
- It was just a garden variety platinum nucleus pretending to be a monopole by cleverly decaying into osmium and tantalum .
- 所有的神经元都有一个含有细胞核的细胞体。
- All neurons have a cell body which includes a nucleus .
- 那么,小小的细胞核是如何贮存数量如此庞大的dna的呢?
- So how do you store all that dna in a tiny nucleus ?
- 喷石是一个研究项目。
- Stone spray is a research project .
- 厚重的石地板压在木梁上。
- Heavy stone floors sit on wood beams .
- 你接下来的注意点是石头。
- Your next focus should be stone .
- 一些家庭现在有了坑式厕所。
- Some households now have pit latrines .
- 小的窖房和坑用于多种不同的功能。
- Smaller pit rooms and pits were used for many different functions .
- 在大而深的坑中躺满了死去了的同志们的尸体。
- In the broad , deep pit lay the bodies of their dead comrades .
- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- ubuntu对触摸式输入支持的概述,包括核心驱动、x输入栈和应用程序。
- An overview of multitouch support in ubuntu , covering kernel drivers , the x input stack , and applications .
- 每粒玉米仁大约13.5%至14%的成分是水。
- About thirteen and a half to fourteen percent of each kernel is made up of water .
- 棕榈油来自产油的果实,而棕榈仁粉来自棕榈坚果。
- Oil comes from the oil palm 's fruit , while kernel meal comes from palm nuts .
- 天文学家称之为活动星系核,或简称agn。
- Astronomers dub these active galactic nuclei , or just agn .
- 究竟两枚氢核如何在室温下聚合,并无详细描述。
- Exactly how two hydrogen nuclei could fuse at room temperature has not been elaborated .
- 它们是宇宙射线(来自宇宙空间的高速原子核)进入大气层时生成的。
- They are produced when cosmic rays ( fast-moving atomic nuclei from space ) hit the atmosphere .