- 或者外观优势真的在现代政治中占有一席之地?
- Or does the appearance advantage have a place in modern politics ?
- 于1992年在巴塞罗那闭幕式几次后,他改变了他的外观。
- He changed his appearance several times after the closing ceremony in barcelona in 1992 .
- 患有黑色棘皮症的患者,可能会自然而然地在意皮肤的外观。
- With acanthosis nigricans , you may naturally be concerned about the appearance of your skin .
- 我们本应该用更加理性的态度来处理此事。
- We should have handled this situation in a more thoughtful manner .
- 当他们欺骗他们,让他们知道在一个礼貌的态度。
- When they cross them , let them know in a respectful manner .
- 克里斯用她一贯温和的态度,让我独占了这份荣耀。
- Kris in her usual loving manner allowed me to have the glory .
- 漂浮于空中的花粉。
- Pollens travel in the air .
- 陆地旅行将变成空中旅行?
- Road trips to become air trips ?
- 空中警戒是最薄弱的一环。
- The weakest point is air policing .
- 那些关着我们的形状的线?
- The shape that shuts us in ?
- 也有助于保持蔬菜的形状。
- It also helps preserve their shape .
- 索托马约尔将如何影响最高法院的形态目前还难以辨认。
- How ms sotomayor will shape the court is hard to discern .