- 因为许多雇员正在网络上建立个人品牌,他们需要证明自己的成就。
- Because many employees are building their brand online , they require proof of their accomplishments . "
- 有什么证据显示教授已经死了吗?
- What proof is there that the professor is dead ?
- 仅此就可以足够的证明。
- This alone is more than enough proof .
- 校对你的新闻发布多次。
- Proofread your press release many times .
- 我替一个现场转播做校对。
- I proofread for a living .
- 在这项研究中,大学女生被分为两个组,其中一个组被安排去校对一份植物学论文,另一个组则被鼓励去探听其他那些打算交朋友的人的私人问题。
- In the study , college women were put together in two groups . One group was assigned to proofread a botany paper . The other group was encouraged to ask personal questions of each other meant to help them bond .
- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- 你可能从秘书转向校对,然后副编辑,也许接下来有人愿意给你一个突破的机会,做一名编辑。
- From secretary you might move to proofreader , then associate editor and maybe someone would then give you a crack as editor .
- 别告诉我们说这无关紧要:你应该尽力使你的译文好上加好,使编辑和校对人员不必触动你的译文。
- Don 't tell us this is none of your business : you should try to make your translations so good that editor and proofreader do not have to touch them .
- 作为一个英文报章校对员,我能穿着阿玛尼,米索尼,和保罗这样的名牌衣服,从我正在阅读的美国心理中摘录时尚秘诀。
- As a proofreader at an english newspaper I was able to dress in armani missoni and polo - taking my fashion tips from the copy of american psycho I was reading .