- 一般来说,气缸和气缸盖用螺栓紧固在一起,气缸与气缸盖之间用一薄垫圈确保密封良好。
- Generally the cylinder and the cylinder head bolt together with a thin gasket pressed between them to ensure a good seal .
- 我在锯开的瓜柄上打孔,在里面粘上一个6毫米的螺栓,然后连接螺母拧成一个操纵杆。
- I drilled a hole in the detached stem and epoxied in a 6mm bolt , then screwed that into a coupling nut on the joystick shaft .
- 医生们发明了一项对抗肥胖症的新武器一种能提醒食客在吃饭时不要狼吞虎咽的盘子。
- Doctors have a new weapon in the battle to beat obesity a talking plate that tells people not to bolt their food .
- 类似广场和贝宝等这些公司,已经在开发可以插入智能手机的微卡阅读器,这样小企业就可以方便地用他们的软件接受顾客的支付。
- Firms such as square and paypal have developed tiny card readers that plug into smartphones and allow small traders using their software to accept payments cheaply .
- 但愿他们会激活卫星,有的人则拔掉互联网的插头,然后我们可以重归人类。
- Hopefully they 'll activate skynet , and someone will pull the plug on the internet , and we can get back to being humans .
- 它打开之后变为3个部分,主体是一个可充电的锂离子电池组,还有插入电池两边的两个太阳板,就像是一双翅膀。
- It opens into three parts , the main unit which contains a rechargeable lithium ion battery pack , and two solar panels that plug into either side of the battery pack like a pair of wings .
- 真空采血管用丁基胶塞。
- Butyl rubber stopper for vacuum blood collection tube .
- 他也是一个非常伟大的运动员和防守球员。
- He was a tremendous athlete and a defensive stopper , too .
- 检查止动块的位置,此时需要使用观察镜。
- Check the position of the stopper using an inspection mirror .
- 飞起的香槟软木塞或者弹起的橡皮筋都可能是祸首。
- All it takes is a flying champagne cork or a shooting rubber band .
- 电梯门打开了,我像软木塞一样蹦出电梯。
- The doors opened and I just popped out of there like a cork .
- 它可以通过受污染的软木、木桶或托板进入葡萄酒,从而造成瓶内的葡萄酒不可饮用。
- It can get into wine through contaminated cork , tainted barrels or pallets and render bottles undrinkable .
- 自行车链调整器和曲柄扁销。
- Bicycles -- chain adjusters and crank cotter pins .
- 自行车链条调节器和曲柄销钉。
- Chain adjusters and crank cotter pins for bicycles .
- 霍兰德考特是《时代》杂志的艺术评论员,他获得了2009年普利策评论奖。
- Holland cotter , an art critic for the times , won the pulitzer prize for criticism in 2009 .
- 我们卧室的门上有一把锁。
- We have a lock on our bedroom door .
- 看看锁屏界面就知道了。
- Your lock screen can tell you .
- 但如果你外出了,你可以将它设为立刻锁定。
- But if you 're out , you can have it lock right away .