- 人们有充分的理由相信,部分气候现象已经在向这个临界点逼近,因而有必要设置安全栏杆。
- There is good reason to believe that parts of the climate do behave this way , and thus need railing off .
- 他取出一支香烟,靠在围栏上,顺着街望去,看男孩钓鱼。
- He took out a cigarette and leaned against the railing , looking down the street at the boy fishing .
- 他听见roland从门廊栏杆上跨下、把椅子拖回去的声音。
- He heard roland lower his feet from the porch railing and push the chair back .
- 院子是在一个花园的附近;这儿所有的花都开了,玫瑰悬在小小的栅栏上,又嫩又香。菩提树也正在开着花。
- The court adjoined a garden , and all was in flower ; the roses hung so fresh and odorous over the balustrade , the lindens were in blossom , the swallows flew by , and said , " quirre-vit ! My husband is come ! "
- 汉诺威兵凭着石栏杆,向下射击。
- The hanoverians lined this balustrade and fired from above .
- 窗帘旁边可以隐约看到外边的建筑。
- Next to the curtains , we can see the building 's balustrade .
- 金属扶手栏杆附加平台。
- Metal handrail attached to the platform .
- 她紧紧地抓住扶手。
- She held tight to the handrail .
- 切勿在手扶梯上奔跑或行走。随时紧握扶手且面向前方。
- Never run or walk on escalators ; always hold the handrail and face forward .