- 印度需要庞大的制造业基础。
- India needs a big manufacturing base .
- 我们的基地被袭击了!
- Our base is under attack !
- 另一个问题则是投资者基础。
- Another problem is the investor base .
- 随后,他称站在7米高的基座上让人感觉“热血沸腾。”
- Afterwards , he described the feeling of being on the seven-metre high plinth as " invigorating " .
- 一位示威者暂时打断了展示的启动仪式,他爬上基座,高举横幅,上面写着“救救孩子!禁止烟草贸易!禁止演员吸烟!”。
- The launch of the work was briefly disrupted by a protestor who climbed on to the plinth carrying a banner saying " save the children . Ban tobacco and actors smoking " .
- 伦敦特拉法加广场本周一上演了一场不同寻常的新式艺术秀,除了战争英雄和国王的重要雕像之外,广场上还有一个空基座,数名公众轮流在上面站立一小时。
- London 's trafalgar square got an unusual new artwork to go alongside its historic sculptures of war heroes and kings monday -- an empty plinth where members of the public stand for an hour at a time .