- 执行部门的分支机构也需要改变。
- The executive branch also needs to change .
- 有一次我去一个跟丹佛似的分行。
- I was out visiting a branch in the equivalent of denver .
- 这一领域的一个分支是量子计算机。
- One branch of the field is quantum computing .
- 另一个试图将煮熟的榆树枝插入体内,用勺柄弄出胎儿。
- Another tried by herself to insert a boiled elm twig , followed by a spoon handle .
- 她用很实际的方法,扫来一小块灰尘,又从鸽子巢里捡出的一根树枝,在地上给他画起地图来。
- And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust , and with a twig from a pigeon 's nest began drawing a map on the floor .
- 她停下脚步用双筒望远镜开始观察:它小心地取来一根树枝,折弯,捋掉树叶,最后把它伸进洞里。
- So she stopped and watched the animal through her binoculars as he carefully took a twig , bent it , stripped it of its leaves , and finally stuck it into the nest .
- 她替自己用树叶和树枝做了一张床。
- She had made herself a bed out of leaves and branches .
- 其余的人在落叶和树枝堆积的森林中寻找。
- The rest picked through the forest litter of fallen leaves and branches .
- 树枝紧紧地挤压着他的脸和手臂,交叉在他的胸前。
- The branches pressed against his face and arms and across his chest .
- 用类似人形的炮弹射击红色的求。
- Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball .
- 面向你的拍摄对象拍摄肩部。
- Shoot facing your subjects lit shoulder .
- 此外对无人机进行射击要冒暴露位置的风险。
- And soldiers who shoot at aircraft risk revealing their position .