- 如果能好好经营的话,林场是一笔很不错的投资。
- If can good if managing , forestry centre is brushstroke very not wrong investment .
- 批发雪地靴曝光开机引导林地。
- Wholesale ae boot timberland boots ugg boot .
- 一些世界顶级鞋类品牌,包括其乐(clarks)、阿迪达斯、耐克和天伯伦(timberland),纷纷要求他们在巴西的皮革供应商们立即停止对亚马逊雨林的破坏。
- Some of the world 's top footwear brands , including clarks , adidas , nike and timberland , have demanded an immediate moratorium on destruction of the amazon rainforest from their leather suppliers in brazil .
- 一家口头上宣称道德实践者的鞋厂timberland(天伯伦),在2007年其公司汇报中承认,在其发展新样式和新产品时,“一些步骤扰乱公司控制工时”。
- Timberland , a bootmaker and vocal supporter of ethical working practices , admitted as much in 2007 in a company report , noting that " some of our procedures were making it difficult for factories to control working hours " , including developing a huge number of new styles and the simultaneous launch of many new products .