
Shenzhen 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Minimum wages here are on average a third lower than in shenzhen .
- 河南省的平均最低工资要比深圳低三分之一。
- Shenzhen is a city of migrants .
- 深圳是一个移民城市。
- None of the 1716 stocks traded on the shanghai and shenzhen markets fell thursday .
- 周四在上海和深圳市场交易的1716只股票中没有一只下跌。
- While shanghai is down 2.3 per cent since january , shenzhen is down 13.9 per cent .
- 上证综指自今年1月以来下跌2.3%,而深证综指已下跌13.9%。
- The latest protests broke out on tuesday at a taiwanese computer factory in shenzhen .
- 最新的抗议活动是本周二在深圳一家台资计算机工厂爆发的。
- House prices declined significantly in shanghai in 2004 and in shenzhen in 2008 .
- 2004年和2008年,上海和深圳的房价分别大幅下跌。
- Many financial professionals say shanghai and shenzhen are a long way from it .
- 很多金融专业人士表示,上海和深圳距离这个目标还很遥远。
- Shenzhen officials have apprehended six suspects , according to southern metropolis daily .
- 《南方都市报》报道称,深圳官员已逮捕了六名嫌犯。
- In shenzhen , the company still has problems keeping workers happy .
- 在深圳,该公司仍难以让员工感到满意。
- The company launched a convenience store format from hong kong and the neighbouring mainland city of shenzhen three years ago .
- 三年前,该公司从香港及与之毗邻的深圳推出了一种便利店模式。