- 较低的钢和混凝土结构。
- Lower steel and concrete structure .
- 经济结构应当有所改变。
- The structure must be changed .
- 在terraria中,一个建筑必须有背景墙纸才是安全的。
- A safe structure in terraria must have a background wall .
- 甚至马耳他也正在建造。
- Even malta is building one .
- 他们很少离开这座建筑。
- They rarely leave the building .
- 一个大规模应用的好例子是建筑物管理。
- A good example of a large-scale application is building management .
- 这可以解释泡沫如何形成。
- That explains why bubbles can form .
- 欧元区能否以当前形态继续存在?
- Will the eurozone survive in its current form ?
- 这问题以新的方式出现了。
- The problem has assumed a new form .
- 手势、面部表情和肢体动作占人际交流组成部分的93%,只有7%的理解判断源自口头语言。
- Gestures , facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication -- only seven percent of understanding derives from words .
- 当组成中层云彩的微小水滴具有适合于月光偏转的大小时,月华就会产生出类似金属的颜色。
- The metallic colors of a corona results when minute water droplets that compose mid-level clouds are of the right size to deflect moonlight .
- 对比色-深色家具,白色的巴塞罗那椅-和明亮的白天可以配对组成一个温馨的私人空间。
- Contrasting colors dark furniture , white barcelona chair and bright daylight can be paired to compose a welcoming private space .
- 在危地马拉,有罪不罚曾制造出众多纷纷扰扰、令人迷惑、自相矛盾的故事与谣言,使得那些强大的利益集团不仅可以掩盖历史,还可以篡改历史。
- In guatemala impunity has created a bewildering swirl of competing stories and rumors allowing powerful interests not only to cloak history but also to fabricate it .
- 他们会夸大金钱,他们对于足球的无知程度几乎和他们自以为的了解程度一样,他们还会编造关于女人的段子。
- They exaggerate about money , they don 't know football nearly as well as they think they do , and they fabricate stories about women .
- 去年10月,由美国提出的一项议案也许能把伊朗储备的大部分低浓度铀交给俄罗斯浓缩为20%的高浓缩铀,法国还能将其制造成反应堆的燃料棒。
- A proposal engineered by america last october would have removed much of iran 's stockpile of low-enriched uranium for russia to enrich up to 20 % and for france to fabricate into fuel rods for the reactor .
- 他们很可能应该相信他。
- They could well believe him .
- 这对下一代很难有好的启示。
- This rarely bodes well for the next generation .
- 他们都有很好的组织性和不错的储备。
- They are well organised and well funded .
- 循环经济是国家近时期大力倡导的一种新型经济发展形态。
- The circulation economy is one new economical development conformation which our country initiates vigorously during this period .
- 民法中劳动力私人性的法律表现形态是随着劳动力价值的提升而展开的。
- The legal manifesting conformation of the personal character of labor force in civil law develops with the rise of the value of labor force .
- 荧光光谱法对研究蛋白质结构及其构象变化是很重要的。
- Fluorescence spectroscopy is very important for studying protein structure and conformation changes .