

shocker 变化形式
复数: shockers
易混淆的单词: Shocker
shocker 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Here 's a shocker : not everyone wants to buy a smartphone .
- 说来读者可能会大吃一惊:其实并不是人人都想买智能手机。
- What 's her name ? Did you give her the shocker ?
- 她叫什么名字?你用了振动棒吗?
- You 've written bad essays before , but this one is a shocker !
- 你以前也写过差劲的文章,但这篇可糟透了!
- Perfect marriage ends in shocker .
- 美满婚姻,骇人收场。
- No big shocker here - a chick who enjoys twisting the sheets will always have a hopping social life .
- 这儿可没什么大刺激一个喜欢“滚床单”的家伙总能拥有一个积极的社会生活。
- All-star votes continue to be tallied , and , no shocker , kobe bryant leads the western conference .
- 全明星投票依然在火热进行中,科比不出意外的依旧领跑西部。
- In fact , chow says merkel 's charts predict a " shocker of a year " .
- 实际上,周子诺预测道,默克尔的龙年运程显示“今年特别不顺”。
- His hop to the top of this year 's sexiest geeks list is something of a shocker for a contest that 's usually dominated by women .
- 今年他跃居“最性感极客榜”首位,对于这项通常是由女性一统天下的竞赛来说是一个不小的震惊。
- The bill is such a shocker that it is restarting the national debate .
- 法案如此差劲,却再度引起国家辩论。
- So glover analyzed the dna of the 1996 whale captured in the north atlantic , and found a shocker : it was a pure antarctic whale .
- 于是格勒佛分析了那条1996年在北大西洋捕获鲸鱼的基因,发现一个惊人吃惊的结果:他是条纯种南极鲸。