- 我到访的那天,看见一个戴眼镜的比利时男人正坐在一张面对着一堆骨头的长桌子的边上。
- On the day I visit a bespectacled belgian man sits at one end of a long table in front of a pile of bones .
- 七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,对面放着一把空椅。
- Seven humorless men sit side by side at a long table . An empty chair faces them .
- 解剖台上躺着亨利.阿姆斯特朗的裸尸,被一锹砍下的头颅满是血污和泥土。
- Stretched naked on a long table lay the body of henry armstrong , the head defiled with blood and clay from a blow with a spade .