- 不幸的是,失败的可能性更大。
- Unfortunately , the odds are on failure .
- 而当初始定价较高,机会将会反转。
- When they are high , the odds are against .
- 对于政府,增加博彩税收入的机会绝对是个难题。
- It is hard to see how the government can overcome these odds .
- 我以……事作为条件。
- I make it a proviso that ......
- 但有个条件:不能惊动外国人。
- But there is a proviso : they must not alarm foreigners .
- 然而,书中你吹嘘一非凡的实例,啤酒加淡紫色较差热量饮料。
- Still , proviso you boast a extraordinary instance , beer plus mauve are worse calorie drinks .
- 在这段时间里,手机将连续三次给一个sms简易代码发送一串数字。
- During this time , the device will send a string of numbers to an sms shortcode three times .
- 但是,表达一个不容易被描绘的抽象概念时,则可以使用一串代表其发音的字符。
- But to express an abstract idea that can 't be readily drawn , you can use a string of sounds .
- 这样实际文件名中的#将被多个url中的当前字符串代替。
- That variable will be replaced with the current string for the url being fetched .