- 而且,由于这些技术把重点放在阻挡阳光上,在阻止汽车、工厂和发电厂排放二氧化碳污染物方面毫无建树,所以它们没办法解决迫在眉睫的海洋酸化灾难。
- And because techniques that focus on stopping sunlight do nothing to stop carbon dioxide pollution from cars , factories and power stations , they cannot address the looming disaster of ocean acidification .
- 浙江村里什么人都有,就是没有游手好闲的懒汉.
- Person of the what in zhejiang village has , do not have do-nothing slug namely .
- 一些人口中谈到的“苏伊士运河综合症”,语出玛格利特撒切尔,也就是英国的领导人们“从英国可以做任何事情的信念中走出来,走进了英国人什么也不能做的近似于神经质的信念中”。
- Some talked of a " suez syndrome " , where , in margaret thatcher 's words , britain 's rulers " went from believing that britain could do anything to an almost neurotic belief that britain could do nothing " .