- 拖欠工资常常是城镇工人暴乱的引爆点,正如在农村,政府随心所欲的征地是常见引爆点一样。
- Unpaid wages are a common flashpoint for urban workers , as are arbitrary land grabs by the authorities in the countryside .
- 事件的起因往往是拖欠工资或堪比狄更斯时代的劳动条件。
- The causes have tended to be unpaid wages or dickensian working conditions .
- 工资和养老金遭到拖欠,家禽因缺乏饲料而死亡,乞丐在城市街道上出现她们多为年迈的妇女,站在冰冷的地铁入口,面带羞怯,但乞讨起来十分急迫。
- Wages and pensions went unpaid , hens died from lack of feed , beggars often elderly women appeared on city streets , shamefaced but urgent in their entreaties at the freezing metro entrances .