

n.种类,类别( category的名词复数 );派别
categories 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Users can also customize those tab categories to their liking .
- 当然,用户也能按照喜好定制分类。
- Nonprofits and charities , local government , and religious institutions followed behind the military and medical categories .
- 排在军队和医疗类别之后的,分别是非盈利和慈善团体、地方政府和宗教机构。
- Now , we are circling back in an attempt to understand exactly what those categories mean .
- 现在我们又重头开始,努力想理解这些定义范畴的含义是什么。
- Concerns about a new speculative bubble fall into three categories .
- 对于一个新的投机泡沫的担忧可分为三种。
- She currently holds hong kong 's records in seven categories including relays .
- 她现在保持着包括接力赛在内的七个项目的香港记录。
- It creates two new distinct categories of jobs .
- 转型催生了两个截然不同的新工作种类。
- A total of 30 films from nine countries are competing in 14 categories .
- 来自九个国家和地区的30部影片正在角逐亚洲电影大奖的14个奖项。
- It is a very attractive market and almost the missing link in pulling those categories together .
- 这是一个非常有吸引力的市场同时现在几乎没有一个链条可以把这些目录融合在一起。
- One of the categories scholars use to rate presidents is their appointments ( who they pick to help carry out their policies ) .
- 学者们用来衡量总统的一个指标是他们指定的内阁人选(他们选定来执行政策的人)。
- The calculation provides a clear ranking of the best and worst values in 10 categories that is unavailable anywhere else .
- 《消费者报告》的价值分数清楚地列出了10大汽车类别的最高价值车型和最低价值车型,可以说这种排序方法独一无二。