- 但是木匠把这棵树做成了喂动物的食器。
- But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feed box for animals .
- 木匠想考考大师,在正确位置上作了标记以后,他假装忘了。
- The carpenter , to test the master , marked the spot and then pretended he had forgotten .
- 周围社区的一个木匠lonniejones四处走了走想看看到底发生了什么变化。
- Lonnie jones , a carpenter from the neighbourhood , wandered over to see what the fuss was about .
- 我们生活在一个日益虚拟的世界,实体的木工似乎往互联网完全相反的方向发展。
- We live in an increasingly virtual world and the physicality of carpentry seems completely opposite to internet ephemera .
- 你只需要一些基本的木工技能和一把特别的工具:打水泥紧固件的钻机。
- You only need basic carpentry skills for framing and one special tool-a hammer drill for concrete fasteners .
- 学习如何做些家里的修补工作,比如刷墙,做些木工活或是换一个漏水的水龙头。
- Learn how to do home repairs such as painting , carpentry , or fixing a leaky faucet .
- 我也可以当工匠。
- L also can be a joiner .
- 为此,乔伊纳和nieuwhof表明,在一个典型的一天四个关键时间可能就可以让家人一起学习。
- Toward this end , joiner and nieuwhof suggest that four key times in a typical day where families might connect and learn together .
- 那个木匠以可靠闻名。
- The joiner has a name for reliability .