- 一周出版一次的期刊。
- A periodical that is published every week .
- 第30条财务报表之编制依会计年度为之。但得另编各种定期与不定期之报表。
- Article 30 financial statements shall be prepared based on fiscal years ; provided that other periodical and non-periodical statements may be prepared .
- 我最定期投稿的期刊叫《论坛》,是一本关于社会政治的周刊,大体而言,代表着工党左翼人士的思想。
- The periodical to which I contribute most regularly is tribune , a sociopolitical weekly which represents , generally speaking , the left wing of the labour party .
- 在日记中记录你的发现。
- Record your findings in your journal .
- 这篇研究发表在《自然》期刊中。
- The study is in the journal nature .
- 这些研究结果发表在《睡眠》期刊上。
- The findings are in the journal sleep .