- 但是我知道什么因素可以改变未来的走向。
- But I do know what factors will make a difference .
- 正是这些影响力深远的工作改变着你。
- It 's those high-impact tasks that really make a difference .
- 性别对善举有影响吗?
- Does gender make a difference ?
- 我一会会注意下这个事情的。
- I will attend to the matter soon .
- 他问发生了什么事。
- He asked what was the matter .
- 水里面混有肮脏的粪便物。
- The water is filthy with fecal matter .
- 许多以某种方式涉及外国矿产投资和天然气投资,至少表面上是。
- Many relate in some way to foreign investment in mining and hydrocarbons , ostensibly at least .
- 自闭症损害一个人的沟通、理解的能力,并涉及到社会和他人的情绪。
- Autism impairs a person 's ability to communicate , understand and relate to others socially and emotionally .
- 很多人经常孤立地看待这些事情,看不出它们其实都涉及到另一个。
- Many people often compartmentalize these things and fail to see how they all relate to one another .