- 割礼师会留下一个小开口用来排尿和经血。
- The cutter leaves a tiny opening to permit urination and menstruation .
- 明显的月经期使一种生物不能进化成在没有生育能力的时候也保持强烈的性欲。
- With obvious menstruation , a creature does not evolve to be lusty when infertile .
- 这一章详细探讨了反重力环境可能对行经和繁殖能力造成的影响,也谈到了在火星上诞生人类婴孩的意义。
- The chapter details the possible effects of anti-gravity on menstruation and fertility , as well as the significance of a child born on mars .
- 更能体现时代发展规律的规律。
- E-business can embody the law of time period .
- 磁极调换期间会是什么样子?
- What is the reversal period like ?
- 充分利用你自慰后的时间。
- Take advantage of your refractory period .
- 平均来说,要恢复月经正常周期,得喝上两个半月这样的饮品。
- On average , menses were resumed within 2 months of drinking the daily beverage .
- 痉挛只是经期子宫收缩使开放的血管缩小导致的。
- Cramps are just the uterus contracting to close down the blood vessels that open up during menses .
- 每周一次的性接触可以使女性更易受孕,规律月经周期,缩短月经期,推迟绝经,提升雌激素水平,以及延缓衰老。
- Sexual contact with a partner at least once a week led to more fertile , regular menstrual cycles , shorter menses , delayed menopause , increased estrogen levels , and delayed aging .