- 娇柔的胴体,顺滑的肌肤,曼妙婀娜、丰姿绰约的身影,张扬、桀骜不驯个性,让人有种征服的冲动。
- Feminine nude , smooth skin , lithe and graceful figure graceful , feng zi , make public , unruly personality , let a person gutty conquer impulse .
- 它们短而粗壮而非轻盈优雅。
- Rather than being lithe and graceful , they were short and stubby .
- 曼妙的天空--天文图片集。
- The astronomy photograph gathers the sky -- lithe and graceful .
- 至少不是对用头发做精美比萨饼面皮的法国大厨,也不是用头发做衣服收取近2万英镑的时装设计师。
- Not for the chef using it to get the perfect pizza crust , or the fashion designer charging up to 20000 for clothes created using human hair .
- 从能够对入室行窃者拍照的空调,到面向美国市场、有一层抽屉专门放比萨饼的冰箱,海尔都想方设法标新立异。
- From air-conditioners that take pictures of intruders to a fridge with a pizza drawer for the us market , haier looks for ways to stand out .
- 举例来说,在怀孕6个月之后,你的宝宝就可以闻到你喷在身上的香水,还可以辨别出你吃的比萨饼里有没有大蒜。
- For example , after the sixth month , your baby can smell the perfume you wear , and she can detect the garlic on the pizza you just ate .