- 墨西哥的毒品暴力活动再起波澜。
- Mexico suffered more drug violence .
- 她遭受着家庭暴力之苦。
- She suffers from domestics violence .
- 阻止其领导人卡扎菲对民众的暴力行为?
- Stopping leader muammar qaddafi 's violence against civilians ?
- 他不应浪费这个契机。
- He should not waste it .
- 许多广告都是十足的浪费。
- Much advertising is utter waste .
- 这就是善用浪费的办法。
- This is how to embrace waste .
- 这些能毁了你的一整天。
- And it can ruin your day .
- 沉迷和被迫做某事都会毁了原本好的生活。
- Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives .
- 杠杆开始与狂妄和毁灭联系在了一起,而不再是增长的捷径。
- Leverage becomes associated with hubris and ruin , rather than a short-cut to growth .
- 土壤可以在凉爽天气期间储存水分。
- The soil stores moisture during cooler weather .
- 但更多的牛又进一步让土地状态恶化。
- But having more cattle further degrades the soil .
- 接着我意识到我的疯狂就像休耕的土地。
- Then I realise my madness is like the soil lying fallow .
- 它寻求暴露政府的谎言。
- It seeks to expose government lies .
- 在警局当中也暴露了严重的腐败。
- They also expose deep corruption in the department .
- 但它也使拉登暴露在一个大风险下。
- But it did expose bin laden to one big risk .
- 甚至连g+每条信息标题都有蓝色链接。
- Even g + has blue links for post titles .
- 分享功能应该使用和g+一样的机制和架构。
- Sharing should utilize the same infrastructure and plumbing that g + does .
- 打个比方,a和c都代表0,g和t代表1。
- For instance , a and c might represent 0 , while g and t signify 1 .