- 第一反应不论是负面的或者暧昧的都相当地正常。
- Negative or ambiguous first reactions are perfectly natural .
- 从理论上来说,不平等与繁荣之间的关系是暧昧的。
- In theory , inequality has an ambiguous relationship with prosperity .
- 在协调我们各自的经济政策这一问题上,结果就比较暧昧了。
- On the matter of coordinating our economic policies , the results were more ambiguous .
- 纯粹互动认识的这种含糊,保住了你们之间的友谊;但明确爱慕之情将建立共同认识,并毁坏你们的友谊。
- The ambiguity of mere mutual knowledge preserves your friendship , but a declaration of love would create common knowledge and doom it .
- 与相关领域更接近的建模减少了歧义,并为同事和客户提供了一个更清晰的设计意图的视图。
- Modeling closer to the relevant domain reduces ambiguity and provides a clearer view of the design intention for colleagues and customers .
- 当程序员能够使电脑学会解决语调和语言歧义的问题后,电脑能做的工作种类将倍增。
- And the variety of jobs that computers can do is multiplying as programmers teach them to deal with tone and linguistic ambiguity .
- 咨询服务和商学院教学活动之间的区别也开始变得模糊起来。
- The distinction between consultancy services and business school teaching is also beginning to blur .
- 这组镜头本来是用以支持公司之前所声明的它的技术能减少图像的模糊度。
- The footage was intended to support the firm 's claim that its technology helped reduce image blur .
- 艺术揭开任何事物的裂缝,将物质的可靠性转变为超现实的模糊一片。
- The art revealed the fissures in everything turning the solidity of matter into a surreal blur .