- 厄尔尼诺南方震荡现象周期就是在太平洋赤道沿线,典型的海洋表面温度,刮风模式以及降雨发生显著变化。
- Enso cycles are significant changes from typical sea surface temperatures , wind patterns , and rainfall in the pacific ocean along the equator .
- 对于全球浮游植物生产力的年度间差异影响最大的是厄尔尼诺南方震荡现象(enso)的气候模式。
- The biggest influence on year-to-year differences in global phytoplankton productivity is the el nio-southern oscillation ( enso ) climate pattern .
- 这些变化当中的许多种跟海洋气温的自然循环变化有关,包括南半球、北大西洋和北极的厄尔尼诺现象。
- Many of these variations are correlated with natural cycles of temperature seen in the oceans , including the el nino southern oscillation ( enso ) , the north atlantic oscillation and the arctic oscillation .
- 西贝利厄斯袒护了自己的上司。
- Mrs sebelius defended her boss .
- 永远不要说你上司的闲话。
- Never gossip about your boss .
- 上司得意的收了钱。
- The boss got the money happily .