- 他说,这件事让他明白了美国金融市场的复杂性以及企业在利用各类融资来源方面的足智多谋。
- The episode taught him how sophisticated the u. s.financial markets are and the resourcefulness of companies in tapping various funding sources , he says .
- 多尔蒂说,“自己动手做东西或修东西会给人带来一种拥有学识和能干的感觉以及自信心,这一点确实很重要。”
- ' There 's a sense of learning , resourcefulness and confidence that comes from making or fixing something with your hands , and that really matters , ' mr. dougherty says .
- 小姑娘是那么的快乐,没有丝毫的妒忌和狡诈。
- The girl was so happy , without a trace of jealousy or guile .
- 确实如此,鲜少有人认为以狡诈著称的萨利赫是真心退出,改过向善。
- Indeed , few are certain that mr saleh , famed for his guile , is sincere in promising to bow out for good .
- 认为只靠丘吉尔的雄辩或者罗斯福的狡猾就能做到这一点的想法,似乎是不正确的。
- It seems mistaken to suppose that mere churchillian rhetoric or rooseveltian guile could achieve this .