- 当然了,并非所有传统的医疗保健知识都是错误的。
- Of course , not all conventional health wisdom is wrong .
- 但人类的智慧还是胜出。
- But human wisdom triumphed too .
- 一些意大利人对公开传播一段真实谋杀视频的做法是否明智表示质疑。
- Some italians questioned the wisdom of disseminating the video of a real murder .
- 这是不是真的群体智慧?
- Is it not really swarm intelligence ?
- 智慧的根源是一个谜。
- The roots of intelligence are a mystery .
- 也许地外智慧生物常常炸毁自己。
- Maybe extraterrestrial intelligence always blows itself up .
- 它将被用于扩大我们的认识基础。
- It will be used to expand our knowledge base .
- 而即使对小概率事件的认识准确无误,也不真正管用。
- And even accurate knowledge of small probabilities cannot really help .
- 无疑地,通过理性去认识上帝是哲学的最高课题。
- Certainly a reason derived knowledge of god is the highest problem of philosophy .
- 在她们眼中,她们自豪、机智、精力充沛,是社会革命最前沿的的冒险者。
- In their own eyes they are proud resourceful energetic risk-takers at the cutting edge of a social revolution .
- 科学家们已经发现:生活在城市中的鸟类拥有更大的大脑,这是因为它们必须对觅食更加机智。
- Birds living in cities have larger brains because they have to be more resourceful about finding food , scientists have discovered .
- 孩子们机智而谦逊;宣扬着新鲜空气,帆船和早睡的好处。
- The children are resourceful and well-scrubbed ; shining advertisements for the benefits of fresh air , sailing and early nights .
- 两个孩子都不聪明。
- Both children are not clever .
- 然而有三点理由也许会证明选择古普塔先生是比较聪明的。
- But dr gupta may yet prove a clever choice , for three reasons .
- 战术上来说,还魂罗斯福那一套是挺聪明的一招。
- From a tactical perspective summoning the ghost of roosevelt is a clever move .
- 但从政治角度看是精明的。
- But it was politically astute .
- 正如更为敏锐的官员所警告的那样,运气和判断确保了通胀仍得到严格的控制。
- As the more astute officials warned , luck as well as judgment ensured inflation remained under tight control .
- 一位心思敏锐的石油专家说:“李选了一个好时机离开这艘大船。”
- One astute oil expert insists that " lee is getting off the ship at just the right time . "
- 这也许是个明智的建议。
- It was probably wise advice .
- 但是还没达到所有人都聪明且无所不知的程度。
- But cosmically wise and all-knowing it was not .
- 石油公司保持耐心,是很聪明的做法。
- The oil firm is wise to be patient .
- 如果你需要在程序中存储浮点数,必须将变量类型声明为double,就像上面你写add2integers这个程序需要将变量声明为int型一样。
- If you need to store floating-point values in a program , you must declare variables of type double , just as you previously had to declare variables of type int to write add2integers .
- 例如,如果将一个int类型的值传递给一个参数被声明为double的方法,这个整数会在拷贝给形参变量之前转换为相等的浮点型值。
- For example , if a valueof type int is passed to a method where the parameter is declared as a double , the integer is converted into the equivalent floating-point value before it iscopied into the parameter variable .
- 一定有一个暗示或其他东西。
- Ther e must be a h int or someth ing .