- 但他的观点荒谬吗?
- Is his a ridiculous view ?
- 一些分析师有着不同看法。
- Some analysts have a different view .
- 汪晖赞成前一种看法。
- Wang hui espouses the former view .
- 在modo中创建一个新场景。
- In modo create a new scene .
- 描写场景中所发生的故事情节。
- Describe action happening in the scene .
- 据报告兰扎本人死于枪击现场。
- Lanza was declared dead at the scene .
- 景色和天气都好极了。
- The scenery and weather were fabulous .
- 泛舟游览港口及附近水道的设施,欣赏沿岸的壮丽风景。
- Boats tour the extensive harbour facilities and the magnificent scenery of nearby waterways .
- 不管多惊人的景色,我们也要坚定果断的前进。
- We move forward firmly and decidedly despite the marvelous scenery .
- 印度教徒敬畏牛,认为他们只提供食物,不思回报。
- Hindus revere cows , believing that they offer sustenance and ask nothing in return .
- 试试不要用赞美、感谢、哈利路亚、阿们等字眼来赞美神,尝试列出一些意义相同的字眼和新颖的用词,如仰慕、尊敬、珍惜、尊崇、敬重、欣赏等。
- Try praising god without using the words praise , hallelujah , thanks , or amen . Instead of saying , " we just want to praise you , " make a list of synonyms and use fresh words like admire , respect , value , revere , honor , and appreciate .
- “崇拜”某人或某物,就是崇敬他、她或它不仅需要你像敬畏一个神那样去做,而且起码要发自极端的虔诚、爱或赞美。
- To worship someone ( or something ) is to venerate him , her , or it not necessarily as you would revere a deity , but at least with extreme devotion , love , or admiration .
- 达沃斯在这方面并不是唯一的。
- Davos is not unique in this respect .
- 他是一个我们都尊敬的人。
- He is a man that we all respect .
- 西班牙人对他们的政客们失去了尊敬。
- Spaniards have lost respect for their politicians .
- 对于阿富汗来说是一处不寻常的风景。
- A very unusual landscape for afghanistan .
- 我们已经改变了自然景观、气候以及生物多样性。
- We 've altered the landscape , the climate and the biological diversity .
- 这次展览的主题是他所居住的东约克郡的风景。
- The subject of his show is the east yorkshire landscape where he lives .
- 景色和天气都好极了。
- The scenery and weather were fabulous .
- 泛舟游览港口及附近水道的设施,欣赏沿岸的壮丽风景。
- Boats tour the extensive harbour facilities and the magnificent scenery of nearby waterways .
- 不管多惊人的景色,我们也要坚定果断的前进。
- We move forward firmly and decidedly despite the marvelous scenery .