- 英国冬季的正午大致上恰好是日出至日落的中点。
- Midday in britain 's winter is roughly halfway between sunrise and sunset .
- 大多数蚊子在黎明和黄昏之时最为活跃,当然也有些喜欢在正午吸食。
- Most are active at dawn and dusk while others enjoy midday feeding .
- 当太阳达到正午最高能量点时,可再生能源可以降低批发价等。
- Renewables can depress wholesale prices , eg , when the sun creates a midday jolt .
- t-mobile最终在中午才关闭了我的连接。
- T-mobile finally canned my connectivity at noon .
- 之后来自太阳的热量在每个月球中午将这些水蒸发。
- Heat from the sun could then vaporize the water each lunar noon .
- laughlin通常在中午开始记录,到后半夜才结束。
- Laughlin would begin recording at noon and finish after midnight .
- 习极少容许外界瞥见他是如何治理国家的。
- Xi has the outside world s of how he governs .
- 习设法通过不冒犯和进攻重要人士以及避免木秀于林上升到如今的高度。
- Xi has to rise to where he is by not ing important people and by avoiding standing out .