- 但是他们支持示威者的却在整个首都表现得很明显。
- But their displays of support for the protesters were conspicuous throughout the capital .
- 然而,与工作有关的人格特质的研究迄今为止明显的还是空白。
- However , studies of work-related traits have hitherto been conspicuous by their absence .
- 只有当公共行政简化到一定程度即要么将受贿变得没有必要要么使其十分明显,打击腐败才能成功。
- Corruption crackdowns work only if the public administration is simplified to the point where bribe-taking becomes either unnecessary or highly conspicuous .
- 两种色调的映山红的盛开造就了花园里鲜花非常艳丽的花朵。
- Two-toned azaleas blossoms make for very showy blooms in the flower garden .
- 他最值得骄傲的努力是在1976年将石油行业国有化,以10亿美元收购了所有的外国公司并用艳丽的金笔签署了文件。
- His proudest stroke was to nationalise the oil industry in 1976 , buying up the foreign companies for $ 1 billion and signing the papers with a showy gold pen .
- 这个岛屿是加拿大最小的省份,有着各式各样艳丽的树种:枫树、橡树、桦树、颤杨和白杨,它们各自为那里的多姿多彩风景提供了自己所独有的色调。
- The island , the smallest of the canadian provinces , is home to a variety of showy fall species : maple , oak , birch , quaking aspen and poplar , each contributing its own hue to the polychrome landscape .