- o相对于幻想者对于那些占据他们想象力的白日梦,电影和小说具有杰出的回忆能力,分裂者往往无法记起那些。
- O while fantasizers have excellent recall for daydreams , movies and stories that have captured their imagination , dissociaters are usually unable to recall them .
- 如今拉菲克幻想着能开一家自己的服装店。
- Today rafiq daydreams about setting up his own garment shop .
- 但是当我们舞动的时候,各种创造性的思维,幻想和点子都能冒出来。
- All kinds of creative thoughts , daydreams , and ideas come through our head when we are dancing .
- 有午睡习惯的人很少有死于心脏类疾病的这个已成定论。
- It has already been established that those who siesta are less likely to die of heart disease .
- 位于圣迭戈的加利福尼亚大学的萨拉麦德尼克说,没有午睡习惯的人和有规律午睡的人比起来更容易发生这种情形。
- Sara mednick , from the university of california , san diego , suggests that non-habitual nappers suffer from this more often than those who siesta regularly .
- 每当我想到西班牙,我就会想到食物,沙滩和热带的西班牙式活动,像是在天气最热的时候来个午睡。
- When I think about spain , I think about the food , the beaches and the typically spanish activities , such as taking a siesta when the day is at its hottest .