- 津巴布韦是余下的南部非洲良心上的一道伤疤。
- Zimbabwe is a scar on the conscience of the rest of southern africa .
- 食物提升了精神,并慰藉了我的良心。
- Food for the spirit . And salve for my conscience .
- 即使是微乎其微的事情,格里高尔都要摸着良心去做。
- Even with the smallest of actions , gregor was all about conscience .
- 实际上,有自己良心追求的潜在买家应该不会去购买其股份---因为它不但有道德风险还存在着商业隐患。
- In fact , prospective buyers inclined to heed their consciences should do so-because the listing has commercial perils as well as moral ones .
- 我一直对格里高尔的精神迷惑不解,想知道他会对那些处在收入的诱惑与良心的凄楚间左右为难的人说些什么。
- I keep asking gregor 's spirit what he would say to people who feel stuck between the rock of their paychecks and the hard place of their consciences .
- 像veoh网站的shapiro先生一样的互联网企业家们,现在仍处在是否对大部分国家关闭网站服务的痛苦挣扎之中,也许他们需要先找出一个能安慰来自良心谴责的借口。
- Web entrepreneurs like mr. shapiro of veoh , still struggling with his decision to restrict his site from much of the world , might have to find a way to soothe their battered consciences .