- 他在这篇文章中的用词已经到达了深不可测的境界。
- His command of words in the essay has reached the confines of profoundities and understandability .
- 而软体的发展以及其文件之严谨性与可理解性,可进一步协助「证据」的获得、增进证据反映的软体可信任度。
- The " precision " and " understandability " of software development process and related documents may facilitate the search of evidence and improve the trustworthiness of software .
- 生态足迹从生物生产力的角度定量测度人类消费活动对生态环境的综合性影响,是目前应用范围最广、关注程度最高的可持续发展评价方法,具有简明易懂、便于操作、易与其他指标结合等优点。
- Ecological footprint is excellent in conciseness , understandability , maneuverability and easily being combined with other indicators , but still couldn 't reflect the impact of human consumption activity on eco-environment factually and exactly because of its hyper-pessimistic evaluation results .
- 考虑到像美国这样发达国家的意见,谨慎是可以理解的。
- Given the weight of opinion in rich countries such as america , caution is understandable .
- 但如果力拓阵营的决心正逐渐减弱,也是完全可以理解的。
- But if resolve were weakening in the rio camp , it would be entirely understandable .
- 这是对于消费者和公司最完美的可理解的行为,但是这样的行为肯能会导致需求的瘫痪,输出的瘫痪,和我们正处在的深度萧条中。
- This is perfectly understandable behaviour on the part of consumers and firms-but behaviour which has led to a collapse of demand , a collapse of output and the deep recession we are now in .