- 所谓“法官确认”是指由法律界定知识产权客体种类认定的法定标准和法定程序,当有侵权行为发生时,权利人可请求法院依据该标准和程序对涉及的争议客体是否为知识产权客体依法作出认定。
- " Judge identification " refers to the provision that the obligee may ask the judge to identify whether the object in violation disputes is the intellectual property right 's object , according to the legal criteria and procedures which are confirmed by law and also determined by intellectual property right 's object types .
- 然而,国际私法的运行并没有对属地原则提出例外,因为法官所做的是保护原告方基于外国法或外国法院的判决已获得的权利。
- The administration of private international law , however , raises no exception to the principle of territoriality , for what the judge does is to protect rights that have already been acquired by a claimant under a foreign law or a foreign judgment .
- 然而那本来未受割礼的,若能全守律法,岂不是要审判你这有仪文和割礼竟犯律法的人吗。
- And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature , if it fulfil the law , judge thee , who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law ?