- 企业的商业竞争越来越激烈,如何吸引优秀人才、合理安排人力资源、降低人员成本、提高企业竞争力,已经是企业管理者考虑的首要问题。
- The competition of enterprise more and more fierily , how attracted outstanding talents , arranged the human resources , decreased personnel 's cost , raised enterprise 's competitiveness rationally , it is primary problem that enterprise 's administrator considers .
- 我们并未成功地开发孩子们的天才,使我们损失了一批未来的领袖、发明家、优秀的表演家,以及有创造性的思想家。
- The failure to develop the talents of our children deprives all of us of a stable of future innovators , creative thinkers , leaders and outstanding performers .
- 他相信印度贫困现状与杰出的医疗体系和工程人才结合,将产生世界一流的医疗设备行业。
- He believes that india 's combination of poverty and outstanding medical and engineering talents will produce a world-class medical-devices industry .