- 为什么高昂的收费能够持续生存?
- Why are high fees so persistent ?
- 但所付出的国内代价同样高昂。
- But the domestic cost has been high .
- 因此高利率得以维持。
- That has kept yields high .
- 这还会增加保护主义的呼声。
- And it will raise calls for protectionism .
- 这宗上市未额外筹集资金。
- The listing did not raise additional capital .
- 最简单的方法是提高产品价格。
- The simplest is to raise prices .
- 而做批发市场只是单纯的提高量而已,做不了长久,且利润越发低下,特别是如今的原材料上昂的厉害,更是激发他们对专卖店的盲目憧憬。
- And the volume of wholesale market simply improving , can 't do long and low profit more , especially now on the raw materials of ngong badly , but also inspire them blind vision of the store .
- 对于kisames村庄(位于恩贡山,距离首都奈洛比南部一个小时的车程)的孩子们,这是第一次见到电影荧幕。
- For the children of the village of kisames , in the ngong hills , an hour 's drive south of nairobi , the capital , this was the first sight of a screen .
- 大屿山昂坪。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。
- Ngong ping on lantau island . The location of the project is shown in figure 1 of this permit .
- 再一个月就是鲁昂枪术比赛。
- The tournament in rouen is in a month .
- 你丈夫在哪呢,夫人?他在鲁昂。
- Where is your husband , madame ? He 's in rouen .
- 鲁昂大教堂“黄油塔”的筹建资金,全部来源于这些肮脏的交易。
- The " butter tower " at rouen cathedral was financed entirely by such cynical invoicing .