- 然而,庞大的额外产能仍在建设中。
- Yet vast additional capacity is on the way .
- 他嗅着那条广阔的墓地。
- He was searching that vast tomb .
- 但挑战也是巨大的。
- But the challenges are vast .
- 来宾参观的是宽敞的房间,里面有木搁架和风景画。
- Visitors are shown spacious rooms with wood panels and landscape paintings .
- noma家庭是这整个系列中最宽敞最大的部分。
- Family noma is spacious and largest of all the series .
- 周末下午,身着各式各样长袍的妇女们漫步在宽阔的广场和地下通道沐浴着阳光,聊着家常里短。
- In the sun of a weekday afternoon , women in multicoloured kaftans gossip in the spacious squares and underpasses .
- 他不应浪费这个契机。
- He should not waste it .
- 许多广告都是十足的浪费。
- Much advertising is utter waste .
- 这就是善用浪费的办法。
- This is how to embrace waste .
- 沙漠是一个令人绝望的地方。
- The desert is a depressing place .
- 设计灵感来源于一种沙漠植物。
- The design was inspired by a desert plant .
- 据加沙的旅行代理们反应,已经有人咨询关于埃及西奈沙漠的旅游套餐。
- Travel agents in gaza say people have asked about package holidays in egypt 's sinai desert .