- 除了废除声名狼藉的君主制,他们还要与基于等级制度的歧视,对部族的掠夺和对失去土地的劳动者的剥削等等不良现象作斗争。
- Besides scrapping a discredited monarchy , they would fight caste-based discrimination , the deprivation of tribal groups and the exploitation of landless labourers .
- 然而穆兄会数年如一日的向寡妇发放小额救济金,失地农民可得到轻松还款项目提供的水牛。
- But for many years muslim brothers have paid small stipends to widows and supplied water buffaloes on easy repayment plans to landless peasants .
- 但这些在会议上以农民身份登记的人,实际上是没有任何茄子种植经验的无土地劳动者。
- But most of these men , registered at the consultation as farmers , were in fact landless labourers with no aubergine experience .