- 无法创建另一个系统信号灯。
- Cannot create another system semaphore .
- 它好象是在粒子物理学家眼前挥动的旗语信号。
- It is like a semaphore signal waving before the eyes of the particle physicist .
- 使用来自具有指定名称的系统信号量的访问控制安全性规则的指定部分来初始化。
- Class with the specified sections of the access control security rules from the system semaphore with the specified name .
- 这个地区的商店和街道上挂满了绿旗。
- Streets and shops in the district are festooned with green flags .
- 彩虹旗和自制的标语出没在白宫前宾夕法尼亚大道上拥挤的人群中。
- Rainbow flags and homemade signs dotted the crowds filling pennsylvania avenue in front of the white house .
- 叙利亚北部一个城镇,人们在一次反政府抗议活动中挥舞着叙利亚革命旗。
- Men hold revolutionary syrian flags during an anti government protest in a town in north syria .