- 哈拉雷政界消息人士说,津巴布韦谈判的调停人、南非前总统姆贝基给茨万吉拉伊一封信,鼓励他回国宣誓就任总理职务。
- Political sources in harare say zimbabwe negotiations facilitator , former south african president thabo mbeki has sent a letter to mr. tsvangirai encouraging him to return home to be sworn in as prime minister .
- 阿西夫扎尔达里总统在最初一周的危机中进入典型的音盲状态,选择不中断访问巴黎和伦敦回国,他那糟透的支持率会给奥巴马总统带来某种安慰。
- President asif zardari , whose abysmal approval ratings would give president obama some comfort , turned in a characteristically tone-deaf performance during the first week of crisis , choosing not to interrupt his visits to paris and london to return home .
- 必须谨慎地进行此项复员工作,使复员军人回到家乡安心生产。
- This demobilization must be carried out carefully so as to enable the demobilized soldiers to return home and settle down to productive work .