- 但如果澳门能够稳住博彩业,同时又能够在娱乐业尝试一把,这个投资题材就会变得越发有趣。
- But if macau can keep gambling on the up , while playing a decent hand at the entertainment business , the investment story looks increasingly beguiling .
- 领你到那流奶与蜜之地。我自己不同你们上去、因为你们是硬著颈项的百姓、恐怕我在路上把你们灭绝。
- Go up to that land flowing with milk and honey ; but I will not go up among you , for you are a stiff-necked people , for fear that I send destruction on you while you are on the way .
- 如果没有明显的脉搏和心脏跳动,那就是没有生命迹象了。此时要立刻叫救护车并开始以每分钟100次的频率双手交叉相扣上下按胸腔中心部分,直到救护车到达。
- If there are no signs of life-no obvious pulse and their chest is not going up and down-call on ambulance and then start pushing up and down on the center of the chest at rate of 100 beats a minute , with your hands interlocked together , constantly until an ambulance arrives .