- 博物馆的里面满是文明与历史奇迹的荟萃。
- Inside the museum is a wonder of culture and history .
- 你的组织文化是什么?
- What is your organizational culture ?
- 文化解释不了福岛核事故。
- Culture does not explain fukushima .
- 如今他们走私精制油给伊朗,逐渐损害了对德黑兰的国际制裁。
- Currently , they have been smuggling refined oil to iran undermining international sanctions against tehran .
- 生鲜和天然的食物通常比烹饪过的、精制的食物更容易被人体吸收。
- Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods .
- 精制的碳水化合物,比如白面包和白面条所含的淀粉比五谷杂粮要多。
- Refined carbohydrates , such as white breads and white pasta , contain more starch than whole grains .
- 我的妻子非常温柔。
- My wife is very gentle .
- 其它地方的教练可没这么温柔。
- Elsewhere some trainers are less gentle .
- 这是因为民主党人太过温和与好说话吗?
- Was this because the democrats were too gentle and accommodating ?