- 这只贪婪的哦鹤很喜欢蟹肉,他小心地衔着这个十条腿的动物,把蟹带到他吃鱼的地方去。
- The greedy crane , who loved crab meat , carefully lifted the ten-legged creature and carried him off to the spot where he had devoured all the fish .
- 我用两个月的时间准备我的展品,这是一条9厘米长的欧洲大头鱼。
- I put two months of work into my exhibit , which was a 9cm european bullhead .
- 一家博物馆曾出价4000瑞士法郎购买我的大头鱼标本,但考虑到我为此付出的时间和努力,它应该值两倍的价钱。
- A museum paid sfr 4000 for the bullhead , but considering my time and effort it should be worth twice that .
- 汤姆真是顽固不化每次我跟他讲些道理的时候他总是强词夺理!
- Tom is a typical bullhead -- every time when I try to tell him something he always chops logic with me .