- 工党埃德米利班德:保守党是“利用振兴公民社会的语言掩盖政府撤销社会帮助的作法,为财政削减涂脂抹粉的可笑尝试。”
- Labour 's ed miliband said the conservatives were " cynically attempting to dignify its cuts agenda , by dressing up the withdrawal of support with the language of reinvigorating civic society " .
- 然而有时这些数字明显的充足他们不需要乔装打扮角色扮演。
- But sometimes the numbers are stark enough that they need no dressing up .
- 杰西穿了一套细条纹的西装,看起来光彩照人,我开玩笑说,他为了议长盛装打扮得像一个共和党人。
- Jesse was looking resplendent in a fine pin-striped suit , and I kidded him about dressing up like a republican today for the speaker .